KarniTimes.com is dedicated to transparency in all aspects of our operations, including ownership and funding. This page provides information about the ownership structure and funding sources of Karni Times.
1. Ownership
Karni Times Network is independently owned and operated. We are not affiliated with any political party, government entity, or corporate conglomerate. Our editorial independence is fundamental to our mission of providing unbiased and impartial news coverage.
2. Founder
Karni Times Network was founded by Vijay Singh Chawandia with the vision of delivering high-quality journalism that informs, educates, and empowers our readers. Vijay Singh Chawandia remains actively involved in the editorial direction and strategic vision of Karni Times Network.
3. Ownership Structure
Karni Times Network is privately owned, with ownership vested in Vijay Singh Chawandia. We maintain full editorial control over our content and adhere to the highest ethical standards of journalism.
4. Funding
Karni Times Network is primarily funded through a combination of advertising revenue & own personal capital.
Advertising Revenue: We display advertisements on our website and may also engage in sponsored content partnerships with third-party advertisers. These partnerships are clearly disclosed to our readers, and sponsored content is always labeled as such to maintain transparency.
5. Editorial Independence
Karni Times Network maintains strict editorial independence from all sources of funding. Our journalists and editors operate without interference or influence from advertisers, sponsors, or funders. Our commitment to journalistic integrity and ethical reporting guides our editorial decisions at all times.
Content Syndication
Karni Times Network
Abhinandar Vihar-C,
email: support@karnitimes.com